Scientific Program
Note: In the Detailed program, you can click on a title (in blue) to download the presentation
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Registration |
Registration |
Registration |
Registration |
Registration |
Registration |
Registration |
Lectures |
Lectures |
Opening & Conference Talks |
Conference Talks |
Conference Talks |
Conference Talks |
Conference Talks |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
Conference Talks |
Conference Talks |
Conference Talks |
Conference Talks |
Conference Talks |
Lectures |
Lectures |
Lunch & Break |
Lunch & Break |
Lunch & Break |
Lunch & Break |
Lunch & Break |
Lunch & Break |
Farewell Lunch |
Lectures |
Lectures |
Parallel Workshops |
Parallel Workshops |
Parallel Workshops |
Half-day Excursion |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
Lectures |
Lectures |
Parallel Workshops |
Parallel Workshops |
Oral presentations of three best posters |
Pre-conference Dinner (F&C) |
Welcome Reception |
Poster Session with Wine
& Cheese |
Frontiers and Careers in Photonuclear Physics
Click on a title (in blue) to download the presentation
Sunday, October 27
Room: | Athenaeum Ballroom | ||
Type | Time | Speaker | Title |
Opening | 08:50-09:00 |
Afroditi Papadopoulou & Lena Heijkenskjöld | Welcome |
Pedagogic Talk | 09:00-10:00 |
Axel Schmidt | Nucleon-nucleon correlations and the EMC effect |
Pedagogic Talk | 10:00-11:00 |
David Flay | Muons as a Probe for New Physics |
Coffee Break | 11:00-11:30 |
Pedagogic Talk | 11:30-12:30 |
Luca Marsicano | Light dark matter searches with special focus on the Beam Dump eXperiment |
Lunch | 12:30-14:30 |
Research Talk | 14:30-14:55 |
Sascha Wagner | Measurement of the Electromagnetic Transition Form Factor of the η' Meson |
Research Talk | 14:55-15:20 (20'+5') |
Matthias Heller | Leading order corrections to the Bethe-Heitler process |
Research Talk | 15:20-15:45 (20'+5') |
Boxing Gou | Study of two-photon exchange at A4 |
Research Talk | 15:45-16:10 (20'+5') |
Federico Cividini | Measurement of helicity dependence of π0 photoproduction on deuteron |
Coffee break | 16:10-16:30 | ||
Career | 16:30-17:30 (45'+15') |
Cristina Collicott | Career paths inside/outside academia, Fraunhofer institute |
Pre-conference Dinner | 20:00 |
Monday, October 28
Room: | Athenaeum Ballroom | ||
Type | Time | Speaker | Title |
Pedagogic Talk | 09:00-10:00 |
Barbara Badelek | Nucleon structure |
Pedagogic Talk | 10:00-11:00 |
David Richards | Lattice QCD |
Coffee Break | 11:00-11:30 |
Pedagogic Talk | 11:30-12:30 |
Ernst Sichtermann | Electron Ion Collider |
Lunch | 12:30-14:30 |
Research Talk | 14:30-14:55 |
Johannes Giarra | Exclusive single photon production in muon-proton scattering at COMPASS |
Research Talk | 14:55-15:20 (20'+5') |
Edoardo Mornacchi | Proton scalar polarizabilities at MAMI |
Career | 15:20-16:20 (45'+15') |
Andreas Gavrielides | What Do I Want to Be with My PhD?: Careers of researchers inside and outside academia |
Coffee break | 16:20-16:50 | ||
Career | 16:50-17:50 | Panel Discussion | Exploring paths in the academia & the private sector |
Main Conference
Click on a title (in blue) to download the presentation
Tuesday, October 29
Opening Session (Room: Athenaeum) |
09:00-09:10 |
10’ |
09:10-09:50 |
Dave Gaskell |
40’ |
09:50-10:30 |
Yoshitaka Hatta |
40’ |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee Break |
Nucleon Structure 1 (Room: Athenaeum) |
11:00-11:30 |
Latifa Elouadrhiri |
30’ |
11:30-12:00 |
Phiala Shanahan |
30’ |
12:00-12:30 |
Renee Fatemi |
30’ |
Wednesday, October 30
Proton radius, parity violation (Room: Athenaeum) |
09:00-09:30 |
Nilanga Liyanage |
30’ |
09:30-10:00 |
Randolph Pohl |
30’ |
10:00-10:30 |
Krishna Kumar |
30’ |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee Break |
Nuclei, Neutrinos (Room: Athenaeum) |
11:00-11:30 |
Amy Nicholson |
30’ |
11:30-12:00 |
Modified structure of protons and neutrons in correlated pairs |
Axel Schmidt |
30’ |
12:00-12:30 |
KATRIN experiment: first neutrino mass result and future prospects |
Alexey Lokhov |
30’ |
Thursday, October 31
g-2, dark photon searches (Room: Athenaeum) |
09:00-09:30 |
Measuring the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment to High Precision |
David Flay |
30’ |
09:30-10:00 |
Tom Blum |
30’ |
10:00-10:30 |
Luca Marsicano |
30’ |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee Break |
Nucleon Structure 2 (Room: Athenaeum) |
11:00-11:30 |
Fred Olness |
30’ |
11:30-12:00 |
Krzysztof Cichy |
30’ |
12:00-12:30 |
Sanghwa Park |
30’ |
Friday, November 01
Nucleon Structure 3, QCD (Room: Athenaeum) |
09:00-09:30 |
Alexey Prokudin |
30’ |
09:30-10:00 |
Michela Chiosso |
30’ |
10:00-10:30 |
Tuomas Lappi |
30’ |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee Break |
Physics of neutron stars, spectroscopy (Room: Athenaeum) |
11:00-11:30 |
Jo van den Brand |
30’ |
11:30-12:00 |
Carlos Salgado |
30’ |
12:00-12:30 |
New COMPASS results on spectroscopy |
Bernhard Ketzer |
30’ |
Saturday, November 02
Workshop summaries (Room: Athenaeum) |
09:00-09:45 |
Jianwei Qiu |
45’ |
09:45-10:30 |
Richard Milner |
45’ |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee Break |
Closing Session (Room: Athenaeum) |
11:00-11:40 |
Barbara Pasquini |
40’ |
11:40-12:20 |
Ernst Sichtermann |
40’ |
12:20-12:30 |
Closing |
Poster Session
- Dispersive analysis of the γ*γ(*) -> ππ, πη processes
Oleksandra Deineka, Igor Danilkin, Marc Vanderhaeghen - Coherent pion photoproduction on spin-zero nuclei
Viacheslav Tsaran, Marc Vanderhaeghen, Frederic Colomer, Pierre Capel - Measurement of the Electromagnetic Transition Form Factor of the η’ Meson
Sascha Wagner - Meson Decay Studies from A2 at MAMI
Lena Heijkenskjöld - An Investigation of Machine Learning Estimators for Nucleon Structure in Lattice QCD
Davide Nolè - Measurements of electro-magnetic form factors of the neutron at BESIII
Samer Ahmed - PDF reconstruction with Bayes-Gauss-Fourier transforms
Floriano Manigrasso - Towards the neutron electric dipole moment at physical pion mass
Antonino Todaro - Exotic charmonium at BESIII
Zhiying Wang - Study on angular distributions and the asymmetry of baryonic charmonium decays
Simonetta Marcello - Drell-Yan and charmonium production at the new COMPASS++/AMBER QCD facility at CERN
Stephane Platchkov - Nucleon axial, tensor and scalar charges and σ-terms from lattice QCD
Simone Bacchio - Proton and neutron electromagnetic form factors from lattice QCD
Kyriakos Hadjiyiannakou - Simulation of lattice ensembles at physical quark masses using Nf = 2+1+1 twisted mass fermions
Jacob Finkenrath - Disconnected hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon g-2 with HISQ
Shuhei Yamamoto, Carleton DeTar, Aida El-Khadra, Craig McNeile, Ruth Van de Water, Alejandro Vaquero - Lattice QCD in the continuum limit: The light baryon spectrum (and selected sigma terms)
Wolfgang Soeldner
Workshop 1:
Distribution functions: Lattice QCD meets phenomenology
Click on a title (in blue) to download the presentation
Tuesday, October 29
Session I - Parton distribution functions (Room: Athenaum) |
15:00-16:30 |
Emanuele Nocera |
25’+5’ |
Overview of direct evaluation of parton distribution functions |
Jianwei Qiu |
25’+5’ |
David Richards |
25’+5’ |
16:30-17:00 |
Coffee Break |
Session II - Parton Distribution functions (Room: Athenaum) |
17:00-18:30 |
Lucian Harland-Lang |
25’+5’ |
Nobuo Sato |
25’+5’ |
Aurora Scapellato |
15’ |
Measurement of helicity dependence of π0 photoproduction on deuteron |
Federico Cividini |
15’ |
Wednesday, October 30
Session I - Moments of PDFs and GPDs, and polarizabilities (Room: Athenaum) |
15:00-16:30 |
Giannis Koutsou |
25’+5’ |
Moments of Meson PDFs from Lattice QCD: Status and Perspectives |
Carsten Urbach |
25’+5’ |
Philippe Martel |
15’ |
Edoardo Mornacchi |
15’ |
16:30-17:00 |
Coffee Break |
Session II - TMDs and form factors (Room: Athenaum) |
17:00-18:30 |
Michael Engelhardt |
25’+5’ |
Anthony Thomas |
25’+5’ |
Samer Ahmed |
15’ |
Yading Wang |
15’ |
Thursday, October 31
Session: Panel on Challenges in computing PDFs in lattice QCD (Room: Athenaum) |
15:00-16:30 |
Xiangdong Ji |
25’ |
Karl Jansen |
15’ |
Savvas Zafeiropoulos |
15’ |
Jianhui Zhang |
15’ |
Panel Discussion |
20’ |
16:30-17:00 |
Coffee Break |
Workshop 2:
The Road to an Electron‐Ion Collider
Click on a title (in blue) to download the presentation
Tuesday, October 29
Session I (Room: Ariadne) |
15:00-15:45 |
EIC Science Overview | Abhay Deshpande (SBU) |
15:45-16:30 |
EIC Accelerator Design Status | Vasily Morozov (JLab) |
16:30-17:00 |
Coffee Break |
Session II (Room: Ariadne) |
17:00-17:45 |
EIC Detector Overview | Alexander Kiselev (BNL) |
17:45-18:30 |
Polarized Light Ions | Wim Cosyn (Gent) |
Wednesday, October 30
Session I (Room: Ariadne) |
15:00-15:45 |
Nucleon Longitudinal Spin Structure | Barbara Badelek (Warsaw) |
15:45-16:30 |
Imaging the Proton | Daria Sokhan (Glasgow) |
16:30-17:00 |
Coffee Break |
Session II (Room: Ariadne) |
17:00-17:45 |
Nuclear PDFs | Jacob Ethier (Amsterdam) |
17:45-18:30 |
New Scientific Opportunities with Spin-dependent Electron Scattering from Polarized He-3 | Richard Milner (MIT) |
Thursday, October 31
Session I (Room: Ariadne) |
14:30-15:00 |
First extraction of A, B and D gravitational form factors from global DVCS analysis | Arkadusz Trawinski |
15:00-15:30 |
Exclusive single photon production in muon-proton scattering at COMPASS | Johannes Giarra (Mainz) |
15:30-16:00 |
Electrons for Neutrinos | Afroditi Papadopoulou (MIT) |
16:00-16:30 |
Leading order corrections to the Bethe-Heitler process | Matthias Heller (Mainz) |
16:30-17:00 |
Coffee Break |

Academic Matters
Prof. Werner Vogelsang
Prof. Constantia Alexandrou
Administrative Support
Easy Conferences
Phone: +357 22591900